Thursday, February 11, 2010


Oh my God! Suddenly i got insomnia in the middle of the night. Time shows me 1:30am but i'm still fully awake, i should be sleeping and have a good rest now before i drive back tomorrow at 8. But, why?! Don't tell me excitement of going back causes me can't sleep? But i don't think so, i don't even have any feeling now, except for exhaustion. I rarely get a goodnight sleep lately, it's either i slept late or i woke up early. Yes, today i skeeep one class in the evening and i went out with her as promised. We had a late lunch at the tea time at somewhere she said the food is nice. Yes, indeed it is and we filled up our stomach and left no empty places for any food. :p Thought to have a movie after that at the Pavilion, but unfortunately the board showed us movies are all at almost midnight. What the heck?! Damn, plan spoil again. Oh well, it doesn't matter actually, at least i created a happy day for us again. WINKS!
We spent a total of RM12 for parking today. What a crazy nut man! RM5 at Menara Hup Seng, RM6 at Pavilion and RM1 at Mid Valley. People keep saying inflation this and inflation that, but we are charged so much just for parking not even 2 hours at each place. My Gosh! Hoping so much to own a shopping mall, other than charging rental on the shoplots, i can earn more money on parking 'rental' actually. XD Imagine, no matter how big they build the parking, none of the slots will be left vacant. Imagine, each day thousands of cars go to shop at the mall, especially during the weekend when they charge us a higher cost, how much would the owner earn?! XD
Most of the people @ hostel had went back. My unit left 2 people including my roommate and my girlfriend's unit left only herself. Aih. Don't have any idea what i'm talking about also. Can't fall into sleep at night is just a jerk for me. Really nothing to do to attract me to my dreamland. :( Just hope the sun will rise soon, but i supposed the sun will take another 5 hours to do HIS job. Well, it's 1.45 now, guess i have to rest at least, otherwise my 'supervisor' in the car tomorrow will give me a lot of judges if i didn't get enough rest. I mean my girl friend. Hehe.
Night buddy!


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